Preston County Inn

preston county inn bnb.jpg
112 W Main St, Kingwood, WV 26537, USA
112 West Main Street Kingwood West Virginia 26537 US

The Inn was constructed in the Civil War era by James A. Brown,Visit Preston County Inn an attorney and a graduate of West Virginia University. He fell in love with a beautiful girl named Isabel who was from Baltimore. They were married and the house was given to Isabel as a wedding gift from her loving husband.

However, they lived in the house for only one year. Isabel contracted smallpox and soon died. James Brown became a Victorian mourner and would not allow anything belonging to his lovely wife to be touched. Nothing was to be changed or moved. Even her sewing remained as she left it, needle in cloth and thimble nearby.

ighlighting the exterior decoration of the house was the roof; in large letters of light colored slate was the word “home.” Through the years and change of owners, this was either removed or covered with new roofing. Much of the front part of the home has been restored to its original nature. There are a total of seven fireplaces in The Inn, three downstairs and four upstairs. The hearths and mantels have been refinished and restored to their original condition. Guest sleeping rooms were added in 1948 as a new addition to the inn. Also included in this large addition were the large kitchen and dining room.

preston county inn bnb.jpg 7 months ago
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